Thursday, May 5, 2016

Pathway Work With Help

The 'farm' section of the yard gets a little swamped when it rains...I mean like a river runs through it.  We pretty much have it draining down in one area towards the drain but sometimes it is out of hand.  Right at the goat fence gate is a low spot where the mud can get a few inches deep.  Michael and I worked for a few hours putting in a path with socks from the yard...we have a million of them...but Mark thinks we need to bring in pea gravel.  Not quite sure what to do yet.  Thinking on it.

Oh, I forgot to tell you that we had lots of little helpers.  Guess when The Boys are out I either won't get any yard work done or I will just need to learn how to work with a few extra pounds on my back.  (But it does make for a nice shoulder massage) Not!  They need to learn the yard work manners.  Their job is to eat all the unwanted weeds.  They do that and then they tend to eat whatever is in front of them.  We are trying to train them like you would dogs....

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