Sunday, July 12, 2020

Seeds Are Gong In, Phase Two

They have talked and talked about what to put in the newest raised bed.  So here ya go...the seeds have arrived.

Planting the carrot seeds in sand like he saw guessed it...a YoutTube video.

Murph the master seed sewer...on so many different levels.

I made ghetto plant markers with my new laminator!!

All lined up and ready to grow.

No, Murph isn't praying over them...but I bet secretly he does (so do I) they are putting up the dog fence.

Friday, July 10, 2020

Seeds Going In

This is how they look at the end of the day.  Tomorrow I think we have enough seeds to fill the bed.

such sweetness

This is what we think might be an acorn squash that happened into the dirt.  We never had any acorn squash seeds.

Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Extra Special Visitor

Murph's mom, Shirley, came to meet the boys and see the garden.

We found out that she likes black licorice as much as the goats do.

What a sweetheart.  So kind.  We would love for her to come back and spend some time telling stories under the oak tree when the weather cools off a bit.  Thanks for sharing your mom Murph.

Oh, did I mention that she is 97 years old!

Sunday, July 5, 2020