Thursday, March 26, 2015

Ethel Is Going Broody

When a hen decides that she wants to set on a bunch of eggs...or in chicken language...a clutch of eggs this can be a good thing and it can be a bad thing.  I think in Ethel's case it is going to be a bad thing.  We have no clutch of eggs to hatch.  Ours are not fertile.
Yesterday I noticed that every time I check the nesting boxes she was there all puffed out and sitting not willing to move for anything.

So I went to my best chicken books, Fresh Eggs Daily and My Pet Chicken Handbook.
Here is what I have learned.....When chickens sit on eggs to hatch them their bodies go through lots of things.  They sit for long periods of times only getting up to eat, drink and stretch their legs.  When there are chicks involved, when they start peeping it is her signal that her body that the brooding time is over and her hormones go back in check.  If she should continue to sit there for the 21 day incubation period it could cause her harm.  Broody hens don't lay eggs during the time that they are broody.  So I am not getting those beautiful chocolate eggs that I have been waiting for.
I NEED TO BREAK THE BROODY SPELL.  To do this I have several options depending on how deep she is.  First I have taken all the wooden eggs out of the nesting boxes.  I have emptied the box that she likes of all pine shavings leaving her to sit in cold tile flooring.  I took her out and placed here in the run with some treats.  If she continues to be broody I need to put frozen water bottles in the nesting box she likes.  And if all those things don't break her, I will have to put her in a dog kennel inside the run with no nesting materials.  This is designed to cool her abdomen and vent area, which hopefully will help break the broodiness.  Good thing Spring Break is next week.  Looks like I might have my work cut out for me.

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