Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The New Girls On The Block

 We took the yahoos on a little field trip today to pick up three more chicks.  This time they are Easter Eggers....meaning that they lay blue, green gray...pretty colored eggs.
Three very sweet Ameraucana chicks. I can tell you that I can tell the difference in temperament between the chicks that make the trip from Michigan to the ones that made the trip from just up the road.  These sweet things will sit calmly in your open hands.

This is RayJeana.  She is named after my dad and my mom.  My parents were actually going to name me Rayjeana.  I thank my lucky starts that they settled on Jan.  She is just a slight shade darker that the other two.

 I like the little Harry Potter mark she has going on between her eyes.

Meet Dory.  She is named after one of my dad's sisters.  My aunt is tall and the chick has a long brown marking down the middle of her back that makes her look a little longer (taller) than the other two chicks.

 This little sweet pea is named after my dad's other sister, Judy.  This little Judy is the smallest (shortest) of the three chicks  just like the Judy in real life.  She has a big brown circle on her back.

I never realized that the Ameraucana chicks could be so different.  I may need to get little bracelets to be able to tell them apart when they get older.  I'll just have to wait and see.
So our little chicken family is complete.  The older chicks have two-four more weeks in the inside brooder and then out to the coop they go.  These little guys are just beginning their 8 week stay in the garage.

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