Tuesday, April 8, 2014

I Became A Chicken Farmer Today!

As usual when there is something big going to happen I toss and turn all night.  I don't think I got any sleep last night at all.  First watch the BBN get beat in the finals of the NCAA Tournament and then worrying about the chickens.  Not so much the chickens but how I was going to transport four yahoos, one stroller and a very large umbrella to the Post Office.  About 3AM I figured it out...Plan A  load them up...I would put Madi in the Bob and everyone else walks.  Carter would be the door holder and Doodles would wrangle Noodles...while I played mother hen to them all (ha, ha that was a joke).  Plan B...Call Mr. John and ask him to come over to the house and play with the yahoos.
Then right after breakfast the doorbell rings.  I was shocked to see a little man with a box with holes in it.  And it was peeping.  My babies were delivered right to my door!  Thank you PO and My Pet Chicken!  Think I might bake some cookies to drop off tomorrow after the preschool drop off and an email to MPC.

All six well and peeping like crazy.  And the yahoos were just as crazy.  We have checked on the a million times to make sure they stay warm.  So far so good.  Just wondering where I will sleep tonight? Maybe in the garage in my sleeping bag in the hammock.  Or maybe they may make their way up to my bedroom.
Checking out the brooder...my little chicken farmers in training.

This evening with Chickie Paw's help, we will figure out the different breeds and finally reveal their names.  It's going to be priceless.  I think we might even paint each ones toenails with a different color polish so we can tell them apart.  Maybe even post it on the fridge in the garage.

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