Friday, July 12, 2024

Celebrating Vegetables

 I LOVE IT!      I LOVE IT!      I LOVE IT!

The first English cucumber.

While sprinkling, Pappy decided we should harvest the potatoes.  Okay by me.  It felt great.

After some trial and error and discussion, we decided it would be better just to dump out the grow bags on a tarp so we could transfer the dirt to the raised beds when we found all the potatoes.

Who needs a potato fork when you have mismatched gloves that do a good job.

If you look closely and you have ever seen my aunt Dory and my are looking at a combo and it turns out to be me.  It is kinda of creepy but  LOVE IT.

Might as well wash potatoes in the driveway in the rain.

We had to stop for a bit because it started to really rain, but I was back at it as soon as it let up.

Aren't they beautiful!

The purple ones are even pretty on the inside.

Our squash beds aren't producing.  I've been doing a little research and I don't think there are enough flowers to entice the pollinators to do their thing.  So I cut a few buckets of marigolds off the fence and put them at the base of the squash beds.  I hope it works if not I may have to hand-pollinate.

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