Friday, June 9, 2023

Raised Beds

 I think we have everything the way we want it.  Well, maybe we do.

The potting table and my new hose nozzle for the raised beds because there is no irrigation to this bed (yet).

I can hardly wait for this bed to wake up and grow.

Every plant looks great in these beds, even the strawberries that I didn't think were going to make it.  The squirrels have managed to eat at least half of the sunflower seeds every time I replant.

The flowers in the whiskey barrel got a crew cut because they were just getting way out of hand.  Maybe growing like bad weeds.

We think the mystery plants in the foreground might be big white pumpkins.  We have no blooms but the Bruce boys do.

I came up with the pool noodle covering the soaker hoses because we were losing so much water.  Also helps you notice when you need to step over one and not trip and fall and break something.  You know like some people are prone to do.

We have a mole or two or even a groundhog that loves making tunnels in the beds at night.  Every morning we go out and stomp them down hoping they will go somewhere else but no they are back again the next night.

How about those fancy plant nameplates?  Murph has wanted to get those since we started gardening.  They do look nice and you don't have to bend over to check out what plant is what.

Most everything in this bed is finished.  Everything has been planted but I need to finish making the berry bed look good.  You know how I like to make something more lively and interesting, stylish or appealing, as a small change or addition.  

The Goat Pen Garden is starting to take off!

I have come to realize that gardening is a lot of hard work.  Planning and executing the plan is always a challenge.  But when everything starts to come up I am in awe of what we have been able to do.  Without our main gardener and builder, Murph, it would never look as great as it does.  He has had a vision from day one three years ago.  Sometimes he gets a little carried away and we have to reel him back in but what a hard worker and good friend.  Mark might be the brains behind it all.  He watches gardening videos all the time.  Reads books, and talks to people about what they are doing and how they are doing it.  We have muscle from the men and boys of Wammyville.  Friends and neighbors are always willing to share plants which is wonderful. I like to get in there and get dirty, catch the creatures, and marvel at it all.   So it really is a Community Garden. Seriously it keeps me sane!  Once all the vegetable beds are in and growing I turn my attention to the flower beds.  That's where I am now.  I have managed to weed three and make a new hosta bed between the firepit and the grass.  But there is still tons to do but I don't care. And then there is the front yard. Give me my headphones and a good book and I can weed for hours, sometimes forgetting to eat.  Most days I come in after a long day and I say that I am WI tired...right Ms. Yvonne!

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