Sunday, April 23, 2023

Here We Go Again

 After seeing what has been done in the backyard, Michael suggested that we rename the 'farm' from Notta Lotta Farm to Lotta Farm.  Murph has been at it again!

What a beautiful day to work in the garden.  The weather was perfect as long as you were working but the minute you stopped to rest...and I stopped several got a little chill.  Murph loves a good raised bed.  He doesn't like to waste a spot of usable garden space. So we 'planted' 18 new raised beds in what was the old pumpkin patch.
What better way to celebrate Earth  Day than to make raised beds from repurposed wood crates.  We hope they will last a few years before they need to be repaired because they are not made of treated lumber.

This is how we roll around here.  Leveling Murph style.

Digging the trench to place the bed in.  Murph would dig with garden implements.  Then it was my turn to clear out the trench.  I just used my good old hands.  I work better that way these days.

The perimeter is almost finished.  Now it is time to till up that good soil and fill the boxes.  And Murph loves to use the tiller and make powdery soil.

Count them.  16 beds!  I know that strawberries will go in the three short beds in the center.  We will be mapping out what goes in the rest.  Oh, see the space in the two corners?  Today Murph came over to measure the 'waisted space' for two more itty bitty beds.  So that actually will make the total 18 BEDS!!! Don't tell him but I might plant flowers in them.  You know for the pollinators.  As we were taking this picture it began to rain.  Thank you Jesus for holding off so we could get this project finished.

You are looking at two very tired and very sore gardeners.  But boy are we happy!!!

We still need to figure out what to put in the paths but I think Mark has an idea for that.

Want to see the VERY LAST garden spot on the perimeter of the yard...(except for the back fence which is the yahoo area and he can't have that...yet!)

Right now it is the catch-all for the bamboo and tomato cages.  The little raised bed is going to be moved to the back raised bed area right beside the Yahoo's raised bed garden.  We have already removed the old split-rail fence.  Hopefully, this week I will be able to work on removing the rocks that are in there as well as the flowers. Murph is going to figure out a new configuration for the watering system.

We are going to love it and we don't even know it yet!
said proudly by Murph

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