Sunday, August 31, 2014

Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!!! (Say it like Goober from The Andy Griffith Show)

We have been having this a heated discussion about when the 'girls' should start laying.  I first said at the end of this month...have had my heart set on it.  Mark insisted that it would be the end of October, around my birthday.  Which would be nice.  Me, being the big reader/researcher got out my Chicken Notebook that contains important notes from everything I have read...
(6 month old laying schedule)
Big girls in October  (hatched 4/7/14)
The Three Stooges in November (hatched 4/30/14)
The Little Girls in December (hatched 5/8/14)

Emmy and I go out to show off the chickens.  We always just check the nesting boxes, well, just because.  Emmy looked up with her eyes as big as saucers and yells that there is an egg.  Well it once was a whole egg but sometime this morning someone laid an egg and someone cracked it open and ate it and half the shell.  I know that it sounds gross but that happens.  We are so excited and send pics to everyone in the family.  Then get busy doing other things.  Don't think too much about it.  It had to have been a fluke.  A few hours later I go out to dump the compost bowl and I see TWO more eggs (whole ones this time) under the coop in two dusting holes the chickens have made.  I literally run as fast as I can on these old legs and yell for Emmy.  Se comes tearing down the stairs and tries to beat me back to the coop.  I had her the camera to take pics.  Above is what she got.  For some reason she didn't want to step foot in the run (chicken poop I guess).  They are so far back that I can't reach them so I have her get the extension rake that I use to clean out the run with.  Perfect.  We finally get them out and we are just beaming like we did something special!

 They are just a little dirty.  But they are EGGS!  From my girls!  Do we have to call them ladies now?
Here they are in my eggs basket!

I'm not going to be able to sleep a wink tonight wondering who is laying what eggs.  The only one of the Big Girls I know for sure will be Ethel, the Marans, because she lays dark chocolate eggs.
Pondering two questions:
How many eggs will I find in the morning?
Who will be eating scrambled eggs for breakfast?
 (I know it won't be me because I am not an egg fan unless it is deviled or in egg salad.)

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