Sunday, October 6, 2019

An Evening With My Friends

The boys were so excited to be out and eating leaves and twigs.

It started to sprinkle so everyone retreated to under the rabbit hutch.

They are eating brown crunchy leaves.

Hey, Mom look at me!

A little on the spot quick photoshoot.

Look who I caught eating the variegated liriope.  Not a good choice.

And then someone else joined the party.

Don't you be stickin' your tongue out at me!

Nowe the acorns for dessert.

Boogie moving on to the good stuff.

Then back to the treats.

The girls roosting a little under the rabbit hutch,

Maybe a few weeds mixed in with the good stuff.

Look at me mom I am eating all the stuff so you won't have to rake it all up.

Side Note....this evening when I went out to get the girls to put them in the coop I couldn't find Lucky.  So I took Inez to bed and all the way to the coop we called for her.  She never came running as she always does.  I put Inez in the run and thought I would check for eggs one more time.  Guess who I found in one of the nesting boxes....yep, Lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Can you bring them to my house for the weekend ? I’ve got some grass, crunchy leaves and a few weeds they would love ! And I could find something good to feed you too ! ��
