Sunday, November 1, 2015

Another Marker In The Chicken Cemetary

Plaaced another marker today.

Emmy comes home tonight with this story...she told her 'Nanny kids' that Susie had died.  They were sad and made sure to tell PJ all about it.  He was sad too.  He was just glad that it wasn't Sunny the one that he picked up and held.  They were having a conversation and they wondered if Susie had a best friend.  So they asked Emmy and she said sure.  They wanted to know who it was.  Wammy she said.  No Emmy, a chicken friend.  Emmy really didn't have an answer for them.  Instead they figured out that it was really probably Keithetta.  Now they are just sure that in the spring there will be a red fern growing between their markers. (If you haven't ever read 'Where The Red Fern Grows' you won't understand the meaning of the red fern...go read is a great of our favorites!)
So we are going to be on the lookout for a red fern to plant this spring.

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