Thursday, June 25, 2015

That Darn Old Summer Heat

I noticed the girls with the smaller combs walking around with their mouths open.  Maybe even panting.  I immediately went to my chicken library to do a little research.  Here is what I found...

  1. Chickens do much better in cooler weather that hotter weather.
  2. They don't have sweat glands.
  3. They use their combs and waddles to release body heat.
  4. Chickens will drink two to four times more water in the summer.
  5. Water should be around 55 degrees.
  6. Adding ice cubes to frozen water bottles to their drinking water is a good idea.
  7. Provide deep tubs of water for them to stand in and for them to dunk their heads in.
  8. Give them homemade electrolytes.

So I whipped up a little treat for them...
Some really cold watermelon rinds, nasturtiums, lemon balm, and mint

They weren't too sure at first.

Keithetta Renetta lead the way showing everyone else that it was okay to eat.

She was such a pig.  But you will notice she is one of those birds with a small comb.
I guess I'm adding to more water bottles to the freezer.  Already have frozen bottle for the rabbits to rub us against.  And the search is on for a small hard sided ghetto pool for the girls to soak in.

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