Saturday, June 1, 2024

My Jobs For Today

Up first...another collindar of fresh strawberries.  So far we have closed three strawberry beds for the season.  The others are still producing.  Mark talked to someone where we get our berry plants and she said if we take special care of the plants that we have now they should last another 9 to 12 years.  Wouldn't that be great!

First peas!  So sweet!

A destroyed Robin egg.

I have no idea if these two spaghetti squash plants will survive but it is worth a try.  They were over in the okra bed and were beginning to smother the plants.  I mean taking over the growing space almost overnight.  I ever so carefully untied the little tentacles that were grabbing onto everything in sight.  On the left one, I was able to wiggle everything out of the tomato cage.  The one on the right, no way that cage was going with us to the new place.  I dug a deep new hole and spiced it up with lots of alpaca beans.  I watered them in good and tonight it is going to rain.  Please keep your fingers crossed that something good comes out of all of this.

First red ripe raspberry for Pappy.

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