Saturday, September 7, 2024

The Big Clean-Up Begins


Most of the blooms in the Bloomer Garden have given it their best for their first year.  I started cleaning things up and gathering spent seedheads for the gardens next year.

Hopefully, the zinnas will continue to bloom for a few more weeks.

This was where I spent most of the day.  All cleaned and ready to plant garlic.  I also have a place to plant some zinnias against the fence.  I'm figuring out where I can add another red cardinal vine.

I harvested all the teddy bear sunflower heads.  I left the others for the birds.

I started on the Goat Pen but didn't get far.

The gourds are still going strong as are the jalepanos and poblano peppers.  I even found 6 small cucumber plants.

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to finish up this side of the yard.