By Ethel's actions today, last night was a long night for her. She turned over her water and food. She knocked the ladder off the edge so I think she possibly slept on the ground last night. She was not happy to see me again. She actually jumped feet first for me when I came to let her out. All the girls came out early today and stayed in the yard until just before dinner. That was fun getting them in. My chicken helper, Luke, from next door helped me get them in. Inez thought she could sneak in with the Little Girls. Luke had to climb in the run to catch her. And as a result of the extra time getting the girls in, dinner was a little over done.
Anyhoo...Ethel spent most of the day under the burning bushes with her head tucked in her wing sleeping. It was so sweet. I thought at one point she might be dead.
Susie and EffieGrace stayed with her all morning while she slept. I guess they were on hawk watch for her.
I have one question...Can the other girls feel sorry for her having to spend time away from her friends? Not one of the Big Girls has laid an egg today. I did remove all the wooden eggs from their nesting boxes. Maybe that has something to do with it. Guess I will just have to wait until tomorrow to see what I find.