Sunday, April 26, 2015

She's Broody Again

This is what Ethel looks like when she thinks she has eggs to hatch. 

I've tried to break it to her gently...they are wooden you goof!

She just sits there on them hissing and growling and me.   She even has the audacity to even puff up at me.

You better watch it sister.

For her own sake I have to take her off the nest so she will eat and drink.  In her mind those are her eggs and little baby chicks are going to hatch from them.  Nope.  And I'm telling you that I will not be finding fertilized eggs for her to sit on.  I will just enjoy the hatching on God's Lil' Acre down the street.

I remove her from the nest and have to close the door so she doesn't sneak back in.  And she tells me about it under her breath the entire time she is trying to figure a way to get it.

Susie figured if she jumped up to the open doors where I clean out the coop she can get on the nest.  I am hoping that doesn't mean that I have two that have gone broody at the same time.  Heaven forbid!

Oh my, my sweet Ethel had turned into a wicked chicken.  She figured out how to get in and fluffed up her feathers and made herself look twice as tall and was telling Susie that those were her eggs and that she had better be getting off them ASAP.

 Just look at those neck feathers!
I mean she was furious!

Finally all things returned to right in her broody world.  Susie gave up and got off the eggs.

She just moved down two empty nesting boxes and puffed herself up.  One problem got no eggs to sit on!
I am telling you right now there is always entertainment on NottaLotta.  You all should come and visit!

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