If Chickie Pa and I don't kill each other first the Big Girls will have a nice warm and dry run for the winter.
On second thought after the rain today we might go ahead and cover everything but the door with the plastic panels.
No now the problem is what to do about the feeder? The waterer needs to stay where it is because in the winter we have a heater that it sits on so it won't freeze.
The Little Girls have a nice feeder with a top and all I have to do is open it and poor the food in. It is lovely.
Now The Big Girls have one too!
And it is super close to the feed shed..steps away...yea!
I am afraid that this winter the Little Girls will end up with lots of frostbite on their combs because the roost right up next to the metal roof. And those are coming down tomorrow so they will actually roost in the place that was built for them to roost in...right inside that little door. Chickie Pa made a make shift ladder. The girls weren't catching on at all. Finally Sunny figured it out. So I opened the bottom under the little barn where I clean out all the poop. Two options for getting in and out.. The Girls aren't picking up what I am laying down. With a little practice when it is not raining will work I think. Mark says let nature take it's course.
Can't you just imagine the chatter around the 'water cooler' today!