Every year the first of spring and the first of fall, Ella gets the itch. Usually, I can treat it with apple cider vinegar and Benedryll. This year it is really bad. So bad that Pappy got her some special shampoo and spray. They haven't done the trick. I'm guessing that yesterday that he saw a post on FB saying that Pepto Bismol helps the itch. This morning he comes back with some of the bright pink stuff.
Poor thing. She is so bad that when you let her outside she runs to the nearest bush and starts rubbing her backside up and down...barking in unison to the up stroke.
Here is part of her treatment. A good brush and some antihistamine go in the mix too.
I am sure that she embarrassed to death. But there have been no visits to the bushes in over an hour. And she smells really good.